- 清空播放记录
- 用爱感化阿北:这剧太好看了吧 我要看一百遍(
- 酱紫牙:剥去悬疑的外衣,其实是一部女性反PUA的佳作。
- 小甜豆儿: most important thing I believe is this as an exact range showcase n pivotal career making role for lakeith, who convincingly acts out a complex of bruising man w underlying vulnerability, thx both for maintaining the aura flawlessly right from the first two eps, bringing out this suddenly, swiftly, madly acting even though it's so f easy to sli
- 是你的NH3啊:我看完半天在想 我是不是没看懂?然后发现我想太多(:转折之前每个镜头都在咆哮女主角不是凶手,转折也并没有转得让人wow. 怎么还有人拿这个和消爱比虽然我并不是很喜欢消爱- = 看完唯一感觉是, LukeEvans is so hoooottttt
- 白大蘑菇:现在才知道,是本色出演