- 清空播放记录
- 磨墨上菜:除了黑白光比拍的很美、女演员很美……难以看到原著里人物的丰满内心,最后的男演员太邪恶是很大的败笔,一定要有一张让人同情的脸……哈哈
- 猪大y:先看了新版又来看的旧版。比较喜欢旧版西索和伊路米的声音,西索听上去更变态,伊路米更少年。喜欢旧版奇犽的人设,看上去更杀手。喜欢旧版ed风之歌。也喜欢新版。
- BHS-徐辉: of romanticism with Visconti's realism in a most natural & authentic blend. A fairly eventless dialogue-driven story takes two lonely hearts around a wonderful walk through the explicit reconstitution of a small Italian town by the sea, full of tiny bridges and narrow streets. A few uninspired dialogues contributed to a couple of bland moments, quickly eclipsed by a memorable & invirogorating dance scene to shake some waists up before an exceptional finale. In it the emotional outburst & heart-breaking separation are symbolized by the positioning of the characters in deep field and the travelled distance of the Eternal Woman from one man to the other. Deceit & Self-deceit...
- 哒哒波:一个堂堂金融家竟然用自己帐户转帐、汇款作伪证。还有,在中国法律系统下拍欧美法系那一套好怪 除了感情逼供还有法庭也太豪华了。作感情片还是挺好看的~片名应该叫爸爸再爱我一次。余男好飒~
- 有一个少年:关于孤独、梦、爱情、期待。。。