- 清空播放记录
- 快乐鲸鱼喵喵包: this film strikes me most is how McQueen managed to turn the fashion show into an outstanding art exhibition in his proactive way. He brought wilderness, rawness and life to the stage. It’s hard to say he changed the fashion business or the business consumed his talents and awaits the next. 资料馆补标。
- 一口一个阿梨:敬畏,尊重,历史感,这片子棒
- 成长快乐:用几场秀串起麦昆的一生。在这里面的时尚圈好像是一个恶魔,不断把麦昆掏空,最后灰飞烟灭。21世纪初最伟大的时尚设计师。
- 猫的自闭症:第一遍只能惊叹第二遍开始学习
- 魚京:疯了一样,为啥要搞啊???过年了,该圈钱了是吗?