- 清空播放记录
- 屡败屡战煽情酱:迷迷糊糊在飞机上看的,感觉喜剧性还可以更强一些。
- 嘿,boy!: me for not able to empathize with Jia more but the film fails to make me feel something for him. A shallow, superficial display of a lone, alienated, cosplay male who idolizes among other things Taxi Driver is just not very interesting anymore, even though it's still a societal problem larger than many may be willing to admit. The formal gimmick feels just like a gimmick.
- 玻子汽水要加冰: 水手服钱老板像是从我某个春梦里走出来的,出色舞技外歌喉也不错,脑补了下他活在黄金时代会多红。科恩兄弟想致敬、嘲弄的点都到位了,但神采散了,赏心悦目离佳作则尚远
- 呵嘚。:我再也不要看吴彦祖啦~·哭
- 杨科:左右難抉的豈止是一個人。