- 清空播放记录
- 全球行不通:男女猪脚都选得不错(仔细想想应该是几个重要演员都选得不错) 什么五大元素爱啦拯救地球啦是俗了点 但是考虑到这是导演16岁的写的第一个剧本…… 再加上服装上有锅贴加持 4星。
- 彦霖啊!:编剧出身的三谷也是深有体会,结尾唐泽和西村的对白主题似乎启发了《听说桐岛要退部》
- 青豆泥: of the mainstream action-comedy Hollywoodia flick. It’s a succession of clicheys and cool jokes, combined in the most formulaic package, completed with the “love is the answer” happy ending, the occasional though useless sexposing, the bloodless violence & action and suspense simulacrum. In it everything is objectified and reduced to a commodified version of reality: flight hostesses are walking tits, radio hosts are hysterical Black queens, villains speak in British accents, Moms are depressive-possessive nagging bitches, half-naked Hawaiians make the welcoming hotel staff, flying food trucks are run by old Asians and the list goes on... Story is laughably weak too.
- WAY(「・ω・)「嘿:虽然我很喜欢两位演员,但不得不说这部戏有点乱套。 有的音乐很好听,your song翻唱得很感觉,有的音乐就是乱七八糟的串烧。情节比较俗套。
- 木元:不可否认的天才...虽然剧本不怎么样...不过吕克贝松还是不经意的霸气外露了...