- 清空播放记录
- 师太:年的片子现在看视觉冲击力也蛮强~从特效化妆上最为经典女主丧尸后的造型太酷太美,故事情节曲折最后在烈火中永生真是荡气回肠,颇有丧尸版的#罗密欧与茱丽叶#范儿
- 阿软的阿软: read her biography many years ago. Maybe because of the perspective it seems very wield. But years later when I watch this movie I found I see the real things that happened at that time which is out of people's mind to understand. It is like little women version in philosophy world in Europe but even harder for people to understand.
- 123林:广州女和台北男的暗恋四年的爱情故事。医科生哪有这么多破时间谈恋爱啊。学生味女主演出来了,不错。毕竟大学生人设。但爱情味没看出来。男女主表现得都很尴尬啊。女主有一些清纯镜头,但不多。毕业就分手!一年后美满再见?!这也行!
- 巴塔森梨:拍传记都比较困难。容易粗笔勾勒一生。此处体现了莎乐美追求自由的脚步,但也不完全,不能激起人心中持久的震荡。不过了解到了一段忘年交,也是有趣的。
- 叽叽:看来这类B级片的受众还是不小的 可以一部接一部的拍 已形成IP了