- 清空播放记录
- 小小疯子:儿时浙江卫视最爱的节目
- 鹦鹉螺海影:请Hulu在下一季把欠观众的炫酷动作场面给补上!
- 在旭日衰老前:番茄酱一星塔酱一星蛋包饭一星,编剧费尽心思走BL线费尽心思到让他俩愉快的死在了一起也是很拼的。其实这剧前面好看,节奏也快看着还蛮爽,毕竟这漫画原著没完结所以后面到了原创情节,真的太扯淡了。
- 小熊无敌: definition of Tediousness. Come on, show me the Sci-Fi, not you two/three holeless ugly thing fucking each other and gods know how they did it.
- 維以不永傷: acquires meaning only through love. The more we are capable of love and dedication, the more our lives will be rich with meaning. Every kind of love and cheering enriches us.