- 清空播放记录
- 独角兽🌟:, surrealism & absurdism in a musty, shabby & filthy atmosphere. Many signs inaugurate early on the sheer queerness of whatever revolves around Barton Fink - his own madman's facial expressions, a pitiful & empty hotel, faint sounds that obsessessively bother only him, dubious characters & personalities in Hollywood. But the viewer can still hang in this mess, and somehow (with a little effort) make some sense of what's happening. It's only towards the last third that the increasing contradictions explode into no(n)-sense. The only - and cheap - way to read the movie would be that most of these irreconciliable scenes are in fact dreams or hallucinations. Disappointing.
- 深林人:虚高,其实还不错的。鹿晗牺牲还比较大,这个演技吊打那位“肉身菩萨”了。吴磊就不评价了,作为童星中规中矩。等我看完全集再来改。
- 怪物:提起本片,就不得不提起它之后的两部作品:伍迪艾伦的《子弹横飞百老汇》与大卫林奇的《穆赫兰道》。本片既具有前者的复古格调以及黑色幽默,亦有后者梦境与现实的交错叙事。甚至借鉴了《野草莓》。构图简洁,然而很意识流,运用单点透视及主观视角。通过一个小人物科恩兄弟表达出对于好莱坞的不满
- 镜湖石:俚俗粗野,但被这种直言不讳的坦荡与痛快击中、穿透、反弹,是爽而快意的事体。而这类剧集,总在那片土地上穿破而出。故事到了第二季,有了始料未及的大跨度,但遇到什么都好,他们的青春总要比我们这边烂漫些,明媚些似的,哪怕这帮当事人蠢钝、荒唐,那油然的可爱都是从不歇止的,于是偏门的感动都很有温度。期待这个大家庭的下一次际会。
- 伊達小天使:酒店是芬克精神世界的投射,其中有一个宽容助人并对他怀有敬仰(自恋)的本我,也有对才华的艳羡、嫉恨、忖度、征服欲与破坏欲——这一切通过W.P.和他的情人形象来实现。对一个敏感而未具足够天才的创作者而言,创作本身就是一个梦魇。