- 清空播放记录
- 岛屿味:"What do I want to be when I grow up? I guess I want to be somebody who sees the beauty in the world and is able to share it with those around her I want to be someone who never stops looking I want to be what every grown-up wants to be, a kid At the end of the day, I'd like to be someone who's given more than they've taken"
- 皓伊:看不下去,有点慢,一般般吧
- 悬疑爱好者:太多逻辑bug了 不过很喜欢一些情感线 很感动
- 多比二号:百因必有果,没有谁比谁厉害,只有谁比谁更狠……
- 露露露西亚:一开始我把这部剧当作僵尸或生化片来看的,然而不知道几集之后,被几个支线的温情逐步动容,看到11集结尾默默哭了很久。爱你就要无惧你的样子,爱你就要好好道别,为了爱你更要保护好我自己