- 清空播放记录
- 卢哲-1866106952:第一集:就这?还天花板? 第三集:我没了
- 我叫麦兜我妈叫:迈克的死也太儿戏了,还等着看他作为大boss跟福华心惊肉跳斗智斗勇,结果就这不明不白的死了,啊!!意难平!
- 紫蘇:还行,推荐推荐推荐推荐推荐推荐推荐
- 一雨:讲述的不仅是工作上,甚至生活占了更大的篇幅,这是在职业剧中比较少见的。可能不太合我的胃口,加大救援过程中的紧张感和复杂程度就好了
- 寒灯: Friday night at a normal restaurant. It made me stressed out, but is not a horrible film. Unless you compare it to your real life. This movie was focused on a chef that want to make his work and life balance. But he failed both of them. Every characters in this movie looks like going through a hard time. But this is the way life is.