- 清空播放记录
- 江湖大哥:八十年代绝佳的讽刺片。
- 提摩西:他遇到老乡时候的节目还是最精彩。Ewan Mcgregor或者Gerard Butler都跟他很默契。背景带来的共通性,还真不是一句两句就能说的清的。
- 去跳楼吧:吴镇宇的帅是野生的,比起现在那些动不动就画眼线打阴影的不知道好哪里去了唉。。。。豆瓣的影评写得都挺好的,所以我就不写了吧:)
- 高杉真宙:▤「I'm more interested in the character than in myself. And any connection that I have to the character which hopefully is great would be subliminal and subconscious. So I don't like to think how can I make this character fit me. I think"what do I need to do to fit that?"」
- 羊王:三十四年了没有任何改变