- 清空播放记录
- 牧野咩咩:极度下饭且舒适。温馨时刻一旦来临就知道这一季又结束了。
- 疯中飘摇:整段垮掉。郑秀文还是很美。
- 奴怒:安妮海瑟薇也改变不了这部片的无聊
- OIBIOI~鹿鸣:碎碎念太多,中間偶有令人陷於思潮的轉場,挺欣賞zoom in來表達intensity ,但對男性內心著墨不夠,女性總是較能表達自己的,這樣的剪接不公平。最具表現力的可能是開頭的一對內地夫婦,但明顯素材不夠。結尾帶著台灣濫調的小確幸思想。
- A.S.珣: boat answering to the name of Serenity insinuates the disturbance waving inside Karen, a victim of DV, coming to her ex Dill out of the blue to plot to do her husband in. The big fish Dill has been chasing is not Moby Dick but Justice, just as the reason for the revenge.