- 清空播放记录
- 梁尘起:超出预期,虽然没玩过游戏,但不影响观影,剧情很流畅,笑点也很多,推荐!
- 征战丶破天: theatric masterpiece, an American immigrant family story interwoven into historical backdrop. Three men with a piano, beautiful scripts, marvelous acting, unbelievably simplistic yet smart stage design. The brothers, the fathers, and the sons. The rise and the fall, the drive and the demise. One of the best 3.5 hours that I have spent this year.
- 余独好修: and saddening, a brief memory.
- 駺毠一魳:比起第一季来,反而有点短而且仓促。想继承戛然而止的结局叙事,反而没有把节奏把握好。
- 三宁:套路感太强,这合着啥职业都能拍一个