- 清空播放记录
- 狗狗脆: 不知所云的打打打抢抢抢
- 我想去秘鲁:看时间也深情 喝水也深情 肉欲也深情 无意识的哭也深情
- 江东小书生:还是成龙的风格 喜剧打斗 照比别的片不好看
- 谷雨霜天:拍的真好,主要演员的颜值和演技都很在线,气质神韵都太到位了太喜欢了,看完结局后又陷入惆怅 原著中于连、马蒂尔德、德瑞那夫人的心理描写都很丰沛,都是在摇摆的情感中得到灵魂的升华,影片没有呈现出来有利有弊,但也是不可多得的一篇佳片
- 臭袜咩咩: I have watched too many films about war II, the brand of brothers, pacific war. It couldn't attract me like before. What disappoint me is all the movies about war II is all the same. Though all are the same, all are better than chines movies.