- 清空播放记录
- 小泷君: world movie in my Baw Baw with Wynn, I watched two movies after a busy week. Quite easy plot, it’s about a little girl who is trying to buy a fat beautiful fish for new year and lost her money on the way, trying to get the money back and all the people she met, all the little things and normal people in daily life, cold and warmth
- 诗意地栖居:马东锡逐渐成为了韩国电影里“安全感”的代名词~
- 道道儿:比起什么爱情、励志,我觉得这部电影最打动我的是父亲,那份毫无保留的爱和毫无所求的信任。吴孟达真的演得很好啊。【8.0】
- 一片红叶:重写历史 逆转未来 这个手段真是老瓶新酒的不二法宝~快银亮点爆表 冰冰一句台词领两份便当真划算~不复习的话 乐趣减半
- 一朵小红花🌸:呵呵呵~类似韦小宝式的结局