- 清空播放记录
- water,铭:卢克一出现我哭了 最后脱头盔分别那里我哭死555
- 我从人间来: may find the narrative too flat before the murder took place, but tension was built underneath the physical scenes by revealing the intrusive side of the man Jean-Paul. Still the murder is somehow based on meaninglessness and it’s hard for the audience to look inside and therefore there’s a gap of resonance against the abundance of absurdity.
- 路过的猪:请赐给我一个Grogu
- 太郎不是兽:相当有创意的情欲片,夫妻俩会开车。文字在心里打转,光在美酮上流连。
- 十开:第一季已经烂到家了,但作为中土粉,希望能拍好