- 清空播放记录
- 艾斯点伯格:拟人化的狗狗回归自然野性。
- 动力火锅: lot of important details are not well-told that in the end, the narrative arc seems very forced and underestablished. The ending, too, is overwhelming, as the movie failed to showcase how much a landmark the case really was in American history. The acting is also...how can I see, a bit too formulaic.
- 覆盆子狂想曲:我其实是为了看哈里森·福特的
- 猕猴桃:只是展现了万分之一的RBG就如此精彩,最高院里那句you can right this wrong振聋发聩。
- 智齿蘑菇:人物塑造流于表面,为什么要刻意塑造一个像反派的任性女主?难道要表现人性的邪恶面?剧情存在很多生硬的地方,网飞与迪士尼还是有很大差距啊