- 清空播放记录
- 套路深: the world stopped for the bad stuff then everything would be dark. But the world keeps going, so we can find that crack of light on the other side of the door. // Until a day is over, there’s always a chance that you’ll remember it for something else // You will not make your lives smaller because of me. take risks. Make the big moves, even if they’re small moves. Forge ahead with your lives in any and every direction that moves you. I’m your mother and I’m sick. And I’m asking you to be fearless.
- 一缕清尘:分数稍微有点低了,事实上拍得真还不错,奈何这种类型片真的太多,哪怕这个原著贴子曾经也感动我好久,真拍出来感染力还是差了。
- Ivy 妙:各种梗还有各种熟悉的角色!
- 劳资脾气不好:后来略狗血。。。不过泪点还是有的,总体还不错。
- 阿波罗•尼奥斯:整个都在感叹动画做的好好,整体的劝买买买啊,不管了,先去下单.