- 清空播放记录
- 米没了:口味挺重,可就是没看懂
- 猪刚列:, Calogero's father called him C. C learned to give love and get love unconditionally from his two fathers, from street education and school one. The saddest things in life is wasted talent. And the choices that you make will shape your life forever.
- 感受就是一切: 15:33:37
- 粥津津: has a Dolly Bell in memory and in heart.Some different from his later works, but there is still humor and absurdity regarding communism and hypnosis."Every day in every way, it will be better".
- 兮兮羽栖:“I must see you tonight”“see me now.” 性和食物、呕吐、排泄混同,俨然《索多玛120天》。表达夸张激进,充满70年代梦幻与狂飙。但是为了突破禁忌而突破也十分刻意。 加拿大小姐闪光pussy让美国大亨一掷千金,娶回家就为金枪撒尿。交媾和残杀就是历史。对儿童的性诱惑让人捏把汗。 杜尚·马卡维耶夫这个南斯拉夫疯逼。我觉得现在不会再有这样的作品了。