- 清空播放记录
- 打滚撒娇菠萝包:就创意而言其实我更喜欢这部,虽然故事跟《源代码》挺像的。超喜欢山姆和机器人柯里的友情(基情?),柯里不断用头像卖萌的行为实在让我不忍直视啊。喜欢邓肯·琼斯的悲悯,他总是把主人公逼入一个超级绝望的境地后又给予一个光明的尾巴,看好他在好莱坞的前程O(∩_∩)O~
- 小小爱地球:一个了不起的女人,一个可爱至极的老太太!唯有在美国这个伟大的国家,才能诞生这样的奇迹,依靠个人奋斗,一个苏联犹太移民的后代登上美国法律的最高殿堂。“贯彻于我们宪法中的自由之精神,必须在组成我们这个伟大国度的男性和女性心中,成为根本,再小的个体也应被倾听和尊重,团结一心,便能成就不朽。”
- 鬼人晓:又搞这种玩意
- 龙宫岛之碧:! The single point of view narrative to the extreme: you follow Asger and only him, you know the things that he knows when he knows it and you maybe interpret them differently and want to do different things, but you can't -- you can only follow him as the story unfolds. It's humanistic and heartfelt with great acting and story. Even the characters you only hear have nuanced personalities as you learn more about their motivations.
- 慢半拍:你们手段还太嫩,看看人家是怎么操控一无所有的人,多学着点