- 清空播放记录
- 魔力圆◟⌣̈⃝◞: Pharisees summoned the man who had been blind and said: /"Speak the truth before God. / We know this fellow is a sinner." /"Whether or not he is a sinner, I do not know," / The man replied. /"All I know is this: / Once I was blind and now I can see." the New English Bible
- 吴家荣荣:我的泪水从嘴角淌了下来了。致敬!
- 风的旱冰鞋: awesome! Robert De Niro is terrific and terrifying. Excellent cinematography. #AntiRocky.
- 迷诗:虽然制作上还有些粗糙,但胜在好吃接地气,尤其比陈独秀还秀的文案。
- 萨蘑椰椰:全片都充斥着一种没有根源的躁动感,男主在混沌不安的社会狂潮中左冲右撞,无从宣泄的嫉妒与猜疑只能寄托于挥动的拳头,三四十年代的迷茫愤怒在拳击台上展现得淋漓尽致。一无所有时,却仍旧心怀满腔愤怒,只是此时已能善待自己,面对无奈的生活,平静地和命运相视一笑,掰一掰手腕。