- 清空播放记录
- 夏桑:在末日将临时的文明废墟中看不到一丝希望,在挣扎和呐喊中艰难前行的选民更是如此
- 玄夜的美好一世:“I have been here before. When or how, I cannot tell. I know the grass beyond the door,the keen sweet smell, the sighing sound,the lights around the shore.You have been mine before. How long ago, I may not know. But just when at that swallow saw,your neck turned so some veil did fall.I knew it all of yore. Has this been thus before, and shall not thus times eddying flight still with our lives,our loves restore in death's despite and day and night yield one delight once more?”
- 纳乔 蒙雷亚尔:電波系通常都自帶治愈功能。雖然覺得不錯但是沒戳到我的點(果然還是更喜歡燃番吧
- 阿不咚:剧情真实接地气。 每个在感情里痛苦,反复徘徊的人都会明白这部剧人物的感情。但是,最终还是要接受事实真相,生活还得继续。 喜欢儿子把那些诗集改编成网站,真的很有意义。而且那个网站的诗集是精挑细选的!有价值的能引起共鸣的诗词,文学穿越了时空,治愈了我们! 最后种草了格莱斯的包包,真的太百搭了吧!配大衣好好看哈哈
- 苏喵酱:当光通过蛋的一瞬间...亮了....