- 清空播放记录
- 盈彩天光:不错不错 两天看完两季 第二季情节比第一季紧张
- 布衣轻舟:东北校园喜剧,语言特色特有魅力,笑料不断。 只是不能情感用事,我厌恶并且相当不以为然。 另补充一个话外之音,气味简直为人类最不能忽视之感官。
- 叽咪君:加兰太绝了,最后一段实在生猛
- Naive林晓天:喜欢女主角从苏格兰寄来的那封信。
- 小台打怪兽: Garland: Try to lay some decent plots as groundwork then upon that elaborate on visuals, not the other way round; for instance, at any rate there were some plots, not that they were nearly as stunning as the looks by any means, for the visuals to be based upon in your Annihilation, were there not? Please stick to that formula, comprende?