- 清空播放记录
- 渣攻良受: masterpiece. It was hard to watch at the beginning. the nihilism & the total adoption of it by such young ppl, the in-group cruelty & peer pressure. But then the absurdity of it all is very apparent & intentional, making it one of the best screenplay I’ve seen in American cinema. Will definitely rewatch.
- 清炒拟南芥:黎明确实有这种闷骚的气质
- 舒文啊.:似乎是青春呢。拿大板子打过你的屁股后还是会扔给你一罐🍺带你一起玩。那个济公一样的瘾君子头头是道地讲华盛顿夫妇种大麻真是逗死我了。小本和麦康纳的黑历史啊。诶,那是怎样一个年代啊。群戏的结果就是片尾过后老老实实从头把前十分钟看一遍。林导也是德州人。
- 就喜欢吃桃子: 🍀 这个真的好适合闲来没事听故事哈哈哈
- 秋风黄叶:太老套了,一套毫无特色的价值观。看了一半心想如果是故弄玄虚我就!结果。。。躺草地上露出肚子那一幕不错(来自女性凝视)