- 清空播放记录
- ❤yone.小米:前三集有点摸不着头,而且觉得Michael这角色设定太欠打了,后面就逐渐找到了笑点,而且最后一集居然有AA客串!
- 小鱼姐姐: see why the Wayne couple are always happy? No kid!
- 南宁:其实Louis属于刀子嘴豆腐心,有一颗善良的心。哈叔最给力,女王气质无人匹敌。倒是小麦可,动不动就发发脾气、滚滚床单,真是一点火花都看不到,只教哈叔一片痴心枉付与落花流水去。。
- 一座岛:'s genius is so stunning that sometimes his parents & many others just neglect he's physically & psychologically a boy in need of support to learn how to grow up gradually & become independent. Luckily they're still good enough for his development. As he quoted in the graduation speech,"It's okay to be scared. We just have to do it anyway".
- 译林出版社:变腹黑了。除了jessica其他人都不换衣服。E7很好看,模拟法庭争论激烈。大家都各有所谋。