- 清空播放记录
- 噔噔噔噔噔:从讲道理的角度,举世皆知,不必再刻意。 此类题材,若欲不归于平庸而获成功,需转换视角与表达。
- 鸽子。:大友克洋在动画里面呈现了卷轴式长镜头
- 骓來: problem with Beasts Of No Nation is that it approaches war largely on the level aesthetic challenge, meaning that whatever sense of revulsion it creates comes from the personality of Commandant. It’s his absence, rather than memories of murder and rape, that hangs like a dark cloud over the movie’s intriguingly unresolved epilogue.
- dong康nor :反正就是cult片惯有的血浆脓液狂喷,断肢残骸乱飞....机枪腿镁铝和男友那段实在太抢眼~
- 米勒的纹身:说每幅画面都可以做桌面也不过份,太美了!纯自然的拍摄,动听的歌声,优美的配乐,极棒的音效,衷心希望我们的纪录片导演会去看此片并懂得学习。