- 清空播放记录
- 一只乌鸦🙄:好的电影就是这么仍在时间里...慢慢的发现这就是生活和身边的人的故事...被暖的那些瞬间..
- 法外葡挞:童话有童话的魅力,但这部要是按照童话里那样拍那就是天大的败笔了
- 槿言溪:谁要喜欢一直想着招安的x教授啊 当然是帅到没朋友的法鲨有吸力 詹妮佛还是好会演 决定重温一遍shame
- lil梨哩:"Look at this stuff, isn't it neat? / Wouldn't ya think my collection's complete / Wouldn't you think I'm the girl / Girl who has everything / Look at this trove, treasures untold / How many wonders can one cavern hold? / Looking around you'd think / Sure, she's got everything / I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty / I have whoozits and whatzis galore / You want thingamabobs? I've got twenty / But who cares? No big deal / I want more."
- 早柚宝贝长高高:喷了,法叔带头盔简直自毁形象啊,伊恩麦克莱恩无法超越,同样的一身穿出来时髦值真是掉光了,最后,完全没第一战好看啊..