- 清空播放记录
- 紫舞飞扬:反成功主义佳作,叙事流畅,结构紧凑观影过程无拖沓冗长感。安藤演技扎实,结局非常符合现实情况,普通人哪有励志鸡汤里说的那么容易逆天改命?更多人最终只能归于沉寂罢了。
- 望月虾芽: 23:1-3 And I belong to Jesus.
- sunshine余子酱:分。好片子,却始终差了一股劲,感动差了一点点,伤痛差了一点点,冲击差了一点点。文字语言和电影语言的鸿沟,比大家想象得要宽得多。
- 不我不想吃🇨🇳:故事结构完整 两条线索交代清楚 救赎
- 风若临晚: just hit by head hit by head hit by head. the more you speak,the more inauthentic.no one wanted to listen what i think is really important,so i got myself drunk and sit here making mad conversations,draging down more to hell.all i aspect is lying down, die.