- 清空播放记录
- 包陵人: don‘t have any power to make better. System destroy everybody who tries to make change. The temptation is to put off making hard decisions, but then that becomes its own sort of decision.
- Abigail在哪:每一件国宝映衬一件时事,或考古学者之艰辛、或志愿者之奉献、或捐赠者之无私、或古学之今用,无不赞匠人之慧心、扬中华之国威、传历史之瑰丽、述当代之盛世。小剧场略拖沓,但是这是一部综艺,不是纪录片。凭一己之力在全国范围掀起了文博热潮,足够了。
- 哆啦AV梦: look back, look forward, thiss the hard reality. days has already long past when they are letting us in. #truth maybe im not your title girl anymore, if you cant be honest w me at least be honest w urself, do not try to deflect this on to me like im the one saying no first, i thought we can trust each other, my sentiments, rly. i cant describe, well dont worry ill be out of ur hair soon, this time i want to be proactive abt my well-being, called taking control. i dont want to be just active to ur reaction to me but also my own dealing w it, difficult times, big deal.
- 柏拉图式自恋:央视制作的这档大型文综类节目,节目主持人张国立不错,第一期三个嘉宾也不错,备受诟病的乾隆审美,官方吐槽,让人无槽可吐,技艺超群,国力强盛,才能制造出集天下之大成的瓷母,乾隆小剧场演的好,志愿者的活动也令人感动,节目内容形式好,普及文物知识好,推荐看看
- 我也爱西瓜:剧本严谨,摄影出色,演员表演真挚,但就是提不起看进去的兴致。大概是电影太具有导演的个人风格了,一部讲述患有阿尔兹海默症的病人不断闪回的记忆却如此艺术感,碎片化的剪辑方式呈现出病人记忆的特点,可观众看起来却感到剧情十分的跳跃,再加上电影本身平淡而缓和的节奏,即便有了较大的戏剧冲突,也会选择趋于温和的处理,更令观影体验有些倦意感。