- 清空播放记录
- 老年咸鱼喵:这是目前我觉得最好看的印度爱情片
- 嗝屁唄::鼠鼠鼠,牛牛牛,虎虎虎……"The sun came up,the bombs came down, the world came apart"
- 西瓜源太郎:两大男神!!!这可太揪心了
- 再死掉的孙云帆:正在阅读约翰托兰的纪实作品《日本帝国衰亡史》,于是找来这部一直想看却没耐心看的战争长片,发觉剧情完全忠于历史事实。该片热评第二条说剧情平庸,那是评论者不了解这段既成必然结果却又是阴差阳错误判所致结果的战争史吧。最后拍的偷袭珍珠港甩国产战争片五十年都不止,真是了不起!
- 凛凛蝶:结尾感人寓意太深!It’s not just about tearing down old ideas. It’s about finding new ones. The only thing Stranger than fear is curiosity. Protect the lie is to protect the village. Ignorance is bliss. Never let fear get in the way. “They’re monsters!””No, they thought we’re monsters!” Listen and talk. Telling the truth is better than living a lie!