- 清空播放记录
- ❤~yuan丶:应该是看过的韩国反战片中最好的一部,比矫情的太极旗要好太多,导演对剧情的构思和人性的反思都极为到位,兄弟相残是最无奈的事情……
- 文博Sorock: interviewing, concise analysis. Consumerism is nothing but manufactured, by corporations big or small lusting for 'success' and profit. Consumerism has hollowed out people's minds and lives. There is no greater meaning than owning. There is no greater identity than being a consumer. The vast spreading and normalisation of consumerism may well be one of the most fundamental problems of capitalist modernity.
- - Zi 喵:浅田次郎:《铁道员》。 一个童话。
- 八二十五:一时之间我就深深陷入少女心无法自拔,没什么好说的,等第三季,虽然不知道要等多久;奈奈生和巴卫赶紧在一起吧,看的太揪心
- 会跳舞的青蛙:其实,东素在心底里是最把元瑞当朋友的,越是亲近的朋友越容易因为一两句话而介怀。东素喜欢贞淑,元瑞却介绍给山泰,东素在洗手间问说那我不是你朋友时,也许同样混黑帮的他们的结局就已经写好了