- 清空播放记录
- 揽夕晖: hitting softly! Czech new wave is no joke - pun intended, and no gulag for me. M. Forman, J. Jires & co... and then there's THIS. An almost plotless, experimental & highly feminine (not to be re-interpreted as feminist) mess, in which we follow two Manic Pixie Dream Girls go absolutely nuts. Not sure if angels or demons, but absolutely adorable. The feeling of pure freedom emanating from the characters, embedded in artsy & dreamlike environments/situation, whether the duo is wrecking havoc or simply posing, conjures a charm rarely witnessed: the illusion of the"anything is possible".
- 桃花吐:感谢科长平淡又伟大的记录,每个人脸上的沟壑和眼里闪烁的光芒都让我触动。 困在都市里苦苦挣扎,回到家乡里又没有生活技能的自己,总有一天会被家乡和自己长大的土地抛弃。
- 龍龍龍哩個聾:我想在我看明白之前还是不做评论了...是不是我精神太正常...
- 不神经房小姐:虽然狗血但片子还是不错的
- 商羽影音阁:年的老电影看着不错啊,尊重原著。演员演技和颜值都符合期待。还挺感人的