- 清空播放记录
- 王小肉ChuTe:年大年初一。When the perfect mentor comes in: the mindset that ‘it’s not that bad’, pushing you through the difficulties but still making you aware of the risks that you're involved in."The centre of the universe is… unattainable". The final unknown part."Jimmy, it’s your turn to take the reign". Finally it's about trust. Trust your mentor, trust your partner to make the right decision about his body and mental condition, trust your mentee to take the lead.
- 大大大白菜:还是关于夏天~乡野~稻田~大海 ~禅鸣~绿色的季节~
- 吧唧一口小甜饼:不算搞笑片,故事还行吧。 ps,看这片纯为了考古成毅。
- 机器人阿喵: closeminded idiotic loud twat, Warwick.
- 好人网友:五毛特效,网络语言大杂烩,看到尴尬癌都犯了,烂到不可思议。