- 清空播放记录
- 不顾: important to make films like these: whistleblowing is crucial to the protection of people and each whistleblower is met with incredible responsibility and heavy consequences of the actions. Knightley shows well the strength and courage Gun faces, but the film falls short on fleshing out the personal consequences to give way to the legal proceedi
- 鱼与菊:加长版真的很好看,我不骗你。
- 你去问工程:不得不说,科学家很会挑音乐~
- 无只幕:星球大战是一个集大成者,把里面的某一概念放大都能产生一部作品。
- 马立秋:原以为结尾会出现法庭上的精彩辩论把影片带到高潮,结果并非如此。但胜在事件的真实,胜在小人物对抗强权的信念。