- 清空播放记录
- 喝露水长大:秀智演技很ok!!!杀我!!!
- 小结:青春里的每个人都不想成为丧尸,可是却总是把自己活成那样。有时冒险得不到答案,却能找到一个出口。
- 棒约翰:很温馨很真实。又是马克沃尔伯格擅长的温暖呆滴的角色。
- 木呱醇: tragedy of progress // PST=people spoil things // Not caring is what has preserved them // I particularly abhor metaphor. Metaphor is fraud. England with all its faults. A country house with all its shortcomings. // Country houses are window dressing, they mitigate nothing // A testament to time. We cannot hold time, though we can put it on hold while we live in the present. // This is not Allegory House. England not. History not. // It took me ages to realize it was for me to make it happen.
- 梦中的柯尼塞格:居然还有几个泪点,不错了,沃尔伯格