- 清空播放记录
- 账号已登录:提不起什么劲…果然对金融业没啥想法,没去银行也是注定
- 屋檐‖趁时间没发觉:可惜了骨头社的制作🙁
- 黎盼:以去人类中心的方式观察人体结构? - 看不懂,但大受震撼。
- 水母郎甜滋滋:在这个卖肉卖腐卖萌卖邪盛行的时代,还有一部难得的质量超高的王道少年热血漫画,剧情上几乎完全忠于原著,原著里几个热血的高潮也都还原得不错。你可曾记得上一次被少年漫燃烧得热泪盈眶的时候是多少年前。
- 奥特某:"this is like, the end of capitalism!" 2. wow i might actually go watch The Office for more Steve Carell rants and facepalms; 3. never seen more white dudes in my life; 4. a bunch of hypocritical opportunists portrayed as protagonists (hardly) -"we didn't defraud the American people and prey on their dreams of owning a home like they did" really tho really tho; 5. ex- intro to econ fail of a me pains to watch this without pausing, even with Margot Robbie in a bubble bath