- 清空播放记录
- 混亂:编剧脑洞也是太大,还想整个深刻寓意,结果从头唱到尾啥也记不住,就灰姑娘的王子颜不错
- □那□乇口尼:比较文艺,有3个精彩点,一是出彩的音乐,一是他父亲
- 别问我是谁ngng: with doubt and uncertainty and not konwing. It's more interesting to live not knowing than to have answer which might be wrong. 感谢费曼,继续在科学道路上求知探索吧。
- 爱看剧的麻麻:好多好多发明啊,笑死我了
- 淼淼Gardenia:「I think that liking is much more important than loving, actually. Love is easy to fall into. Liking is much harder. Think of your wedding as a driving test. You take it, you pass, and then you really start to learn how to drive. Or you crash.」