- 清空播放记录
- 8啦啦啦叭叭:历史/真实 ——影像/物
- 嗯?火锅!:作为新导演值得鼓励,有些叙事手段还挺有趣,编剧水准不错。可惜的地方一个是现实指向比较空洞,把这个故事换个地方一样成立;另外就是不太喜欢把很多黑色故事都放在东北,有点刻意。
- 我不在这里: a second, Campbell, you are in love with Draper, aren't you? He needed his wife, thought about Peggy, but ended up going to Don. I want a big 60's car. I can be in his arms. Colin Hanks! When Don and Betty fought, it was just like G and me. It's cruel to watch the replay.
- 睡饱觉,命重要:想到me before you哎
- 世界需要笨蛋:球球了,你们可别在亲了!工业糖精重度超标