- 清空播放记录
- 黑白:儿时的梦想,是得分的全部理由。
- 空耳田园泡:神一般的卡司啊康博巴缺和湯哈迪!劇本很了不起零碎的片段最後全部穿成主線,hurt/comfort。爲了營救冤獄巴缺一夥又是靜坐又是抗議,到處寄請願信,在市政廳門口過夜,非法上訪接觸下院議員,竟然沒被抓去勞教。
- 四号楼主:震撼人心的情感诠释。完全没有少女漫画约定俗成的梦幻,只有爱与残忍。我连奈奈都比不上。
- 然烧:「I can't help reflect, about my brother, and my brother's friend. And they didn't believe me. And they didn't care. And the abuse, being asked to do things that I wouldn't have thought possible that anyone, could ask of an eleven year old. The more you speak, the more you disbelieve. And no one listened to any thing I had to say. And I just sit here drinking, having mad conversations with myself. Talking about mutilating myself. Killing myself. Dragging down those who are responsible. I want to just lay down and die. I feel so dirty and fucking horrible. Hating and attacking anyone I get close to. I just wish there could be an escape from this madness.」
- 时光小偷scu:机器的冷艳,视觉的盛宴。