- 清空播放记录
- 方小白: then, Einstein was still a clerk, none of the world wars happened, Wright brothers didn’t yet fly, cars were just shaping up... it’s amazing to think how far we have come in just 100 years. Compare this with how much development we made in any 100 years before that, It’s fascinating and frightening at the same time.
- 爱做白日梦的七:画风很棒,场景很美,剧情说不上有多精彩,但及格线以上是没问题的
- 新之助:不是商业片的诺兰巅峰之作之一,感觉比盗梦好,構思非常奇特.看一次就够了
- 专骂烂剧:三星半吧,可能几个组长里面最喜欢的是陶非,性格和人设等等,而且女警孟佳应该也是四部里最招人喜欢的了。不过王显民的案子有点刻意......最后三集有点墨迹
- 木木木森月:看了Hugo肯定会来看这个嘛~~那时片场肯定佷2佷欢乐