- 清空播放记录
- 田奇三木:各种刻意的误会和巧合,各种勉强编织的桥段。
- 六伏天:画面精良度够了,剧情也够复杂了,居然还看哭了……
- 不要喝隔夜水:超级抓马大合辑,戏剧的矛盾冲突让每场撕逼戏都异彩纷呈,这捅了篓子的一箩筐破事儿和一堆破鞋总喜欢被爱八卦的人津津乐道。毒瘤癫狂的歇斯底里式演技堪称近年最牛,就是造型太可怕,大嘴肆意蛮横的外表下掩饰不了空有架势的完败。无奈电影品质属于“看起来精彩实际是烂片”,较难进入状态
- 混迹羊城: did see quite a few obviously symbolic scenes (e.g. veronica raising the torch/burning down the crematorium/airplanes flying over in the end) but it's still lazy and too shallow of a"revenge fantasy" when it could've activated a genuine conversation about race and inequity, instead of just trivializing veronica's victimization & idealizing her success. and for that reason i'm disappointed
- 朴实的小妖精:這老巫婆,慘烈的童年釀造的人。