- 清空播放记录
- 阿佳:富奸永远让人又爱又恨,这个坑何时是个头啊~~~~~
- 正版一衣带水: Wire has transcended the tropes of police drama and looks at the human conditions, the human ecology of certain social groups who are often neglected, forgotten or even rejected by the mainstream of a society. It puts you right into their community and show you both the pretty and ugly sides, both the virtues and vices without flinching, thus avoiding depicting them from an outsider's perspective. In other words, The Wire manages to represent these groups without giving them a sense of otherness, and that is something truly admirable.
- 本城:有的时候,真的好需要这样温暖的感受,即使又没有字幕。。。即使也很悲伤。。。
- 龘达:这一季感觉差点,略烦。对男主的讨厌又有减少,感觉他也挺可怜。可惜Stranger了。
- 名侦探南柯:有点标题党的感觉 看过美国派 心想日本果然是个解禁的色情大国哈 结果看着一群还没长开的小帅哥情窦初开 嘿嘿 还蛮有意思的哈 缅怀一下 我的十七岁