- 清空播放记录
- 中国咖啡:心灵match 谁都替代不了!一生就那么一人!
- 要爱小猫咪🍻:平庸的剧本,精致流水线高标准的制作/制片。I think Taron should occasionally give up on the idea of being the traditional male lead with the body the charm the image the whole package and start to dig deeper and explore more.. it’s like the bigger his muscle gets, the more restrained his performance gets. It’s not good for him both as an performer and as a person.
- 英格丽豆:,很激烈,很精彩,很好看,很喜欢凯奇~
- 搭火箭去越南: and noble, all of three
- 烤拉熊:爱 与谁无关 不要去爱男人,了解就可以,因为男人都是畜生; 不要去了解女人,爱她就可以,因为女人都是神经病。 吴宗宪的名言。很无意间读到的。 他强调了男人的动物本能,女人的情绪化本质。