- 清空播放记录
- 冷夜寒光lxc:有趣的世界观加1星,烂到地心的主线剧情,作一部爆米花片来看都有点坐不住,又帅又美的男女主人设不是有如2个智障,就是2个智障谢谢,至于那些配角就更别提了。全片最美Rihanna路人转粉啊,虽然舞也是硬塞的一段了…什么时候这种烧钱科幻才能不和弱智Tag绑定把观众当白痴呢??
- 蛋形矮胖子:我从小学到高中穿的都是什么屎
- 大澍:开启寒假配甜甜大电影模式
- 春风不如你: me the best Korean/war movie, one and only. i was crying like a mad dog got castrated, I watched this film at the first floor of my college library while my friend was making out with his girl behind the bookshelf, still cant believe he had the balls to ask me to keep it down.
- maggie爱吃草莓:勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。