- 清空播放记录
- 🦁️小朋友:年英国将男同定位非法,1897年福斯特就读剑桥,1914年《莫里斯》成稿,1971年发表,1987电影《莫里斯》被搬上银幕,讲述一位就读剑桥出生英国贵族阶层的同志自我认同的历程,电影拍得非常美,将英式儒雅深深融入每一个细节,一位同志的故事,却有了跨越世纪的史诗气质,牛逼。八,hugh grant年轻的时候真的人见人扑~~~~
- 方什么同: will always love you. 这应该是世界上最让人痛心的一句话了。
- 白阿瞒:好电影分三种,一种看了立马奋笔疾书抒发情感,一种看了只想张牙舞爪的用所有的身体语言音调音色表情表达情感,还有一种只想和朋友一起再次观看,一起摇摆一起激情碰撞。这部真的是第三种
- 柠檬味的小青龙: never stood in that man’s shoes.Or saw things through his eyes,Or stood and watched with helpless hands.While the heart inside you dies,So help your brother along the way No matter where he starts,.For the same god that made you made him too.these men with broken hearts.
- 木剑游侠温不胜:"You can do anything you want, once you know what it is."One of my favorite love stories,and James Wilby has the most unforgettable eyes.