- 清空播放记录
- 不思量what:什么辣鸡剧?明在哪里????
- 草际:「He's always looking for the truth, and he's looking for peace of mind.」 「He wants to be a spiritual being, but he couldn't because he has to deal with this life.」 「So he could be loving because of his true nature.and sweet and kind and gentle.」 「George decorated the whole studio with flowers.You know that was a beautiful moment for me.——ringo」
- 叶腐、:迫不及待想使用片中的高科技(大雾)。一个疑问,真的是疑问,两个明明都是肉身的人打架,为什么会发出机器人打架的那种声音,那种顿挫感我也不太能理解😂
- 邪帝的CC:赵本山范伟喜剧的巅峰之作!
- 午睡的Sol:有趣的设定,但也有不少bugs