- 清空播放记录
- 圆文焕:一切都很好,但是哪吒,我想我看过更好的。
- 丁鱼:非要安插某些人…哎。 故事是扯的,但是我看着还行。3🌟到4🌟之间浮动…
- 千羽爱煞: I said goodbye when they‘’re laying down. I want them to remember looking up at me, not down. Roll all your windows down, Randall. Crank up the music. Grow out that fro. The two best things in my life, were the person in the very beginning and the person at the very end.
- 潇湘若华: mc culin
- 一步一步走:主创有才华,陈词滥调的神话故事也能拍的圆润饱满,有血有肉;导演没审美,再多投资,再好的题材,再大牌的明星资源,拍出来也让人皱眉,只能靠着争议性,话题性哄骗观众的钱,然后安慰自己,赚到就是成功的。万马齐喑究可哀,中国一直不缺有才华有实力有心思的创作者,缺的是机会,是社会资源的不公平分配。